Nog even over het eten hier: je kan op elke hoek van de straat voor 0,10 Euro wat krijgen, dag en nacht. Donderdagavond (3:00 uur) hebben we nog even een snack gehaald op de hoek van de straat (zie foto). Hij had rundvlees, lam en koeienmaag, wat overigens best lekker was. . .

Hi everyone,
for those of you who haven't heard: I am in Shanghai at the moment with the intention of travelling around in China for a couple of months. I arrived on Wednesday and I think I'll stay here 2 weeks.
I shall try to keep this journal as up-to-date as I can.
I reckon the best thing to do in Shanghai is to just wander around. There aren't too many 'attactions' which is good because it saves money. I haven't made so many photos yet, but on the ones above you can get an impression of what it's like here.
Tomorrow I'll probably visit Huangzou, which is supposed to be really beautiful. I will stay there for one night and then return here to Shaghai. I plan to stay here for 2 weeks in total, and then go to Xi'An.
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