Gelijk kwam ik al een stel Duitsers tegen en we hebben de hele dag in de stad rondgewandeld. Er is hier een grote moslim gemeente, en we zijn naar een moskee geweest uit de 7de of 8ste eeuw. Het ziet er heel raar uit, Chinese moslims...

Deze blog is trouwens volgens mij ook onder censuur hier, want ik kan het zelf niet teruglezen, maar na wat ik vernomen heb werkt ie bij jullie wel.
We zijn later door een markt gelopen met heerlijke stukken vlees die op de grond lagen, onder de vliegen, (levende) kikkers, schildpadden, stukken lever en krab, maar het hoogte (of diepte-) punt vond ik nog een stapel honden, zoals de volgende foto laat zien. (nu zal de blog in de rest van de wereld spoedig gecensueerd worden).

Hello all,
I think my blog is censured here in China, because I can not read it myself, but I heard that it works fine with you guys.
I arrived this morning in Xi 'An after a nice train ride of 19 hours. I had a hard sleeper, which isn't so bad as it sounds. The bed was a bit small. You share a compartment with six people, but the side to the corridor is open, so it can get a bit noisy at times. Luckily, there were only Chinese people on the train, and they all went to bed at 21:00 (but got up at 6:00 in the morning though).
My last days in Shanghai were great: I met my old friend Frank from Groningen, and we spent two days hanging out in town and going out a lot. Last Sunday I went to a place to play poker with some people from the hostel, and whoda though; I won 500 Yuan! (It was my first time in a live game).
I arrived at 9 or so, and checked in at the hostel. I hooked up with some Germans here, and we went for a walk into town. We walked to an area where Chinese muslims live, and it was a bit strange to see (see the 1st photo). We went to a big Mosque from the 7th or 8th century which was beautiful and had some street snacks (I'm not sure what it was, but it tasted sweet).
Later on we walked through a market with nice stuff such as (living) frogs, crab, turtle, and mice. There were also nice tasty pieces of liver, and to top it all, a big stack of dead dogs (see picture - I think my blog will now be censured in the rest of the world too...)
I already bought a train ticket for my next destination: Wuhan. I will go there on Friday and hope to stay a bit longer.
Catch y'all later, and thanks for all the emails.
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