... It all started when I, 'Lao Huang' (Old Yellow), the house dog, heard a large motorcycle arrive at the house...
A family member had brought a large hedgehog, and delivered it in a big bag. He had bought it from an acquaintance for 100 Yuan. It is a local delicacy, and quite rare.
Meanwhile our two heroes where sitting on a hillside behind the house, going about their daily activities, oblivious to the goings on in the house...
The massacre had already begun . . .
The little creature was already being plucked as they heard of this terrible tale and came rushing down to have a look.
It was washed in boiling water and carefully removed of its fur
Ooohh I couldn't wait for dinner to be served...
After plucking, the hog's skin was burnt with a hot iron poke, thus sterilized.
The 'first phase preparations' were done.
This guy didn't care. He'd rather chew on some discarded chicken wings or a duck leg.
Our specimen was then carefully washed again in fresh mountain dew...
and handed over to another top chef for the cutting to commence.
An auntie performed this task in the bright and spacious kitchen, with carefully selected precision instruments, such as the hatchet and cutting board.
With the skill of a brain surgeon, she removed the intestines and other inner organs
As you can see I, Lao Huang, paid close attention to every step of the process, making sure that nothing went wrong (this is my story, after all...)
Nearly done now; we want only the meat, feet and head.
The whole operation took roughly twenty minutes
Starters were already served for me: bladder. The proud auntie holds up the result: a neatly cleaned and ready to be cooked hedge hog.
I did my part by cleaning the operation room
So that's how you prepare Asian hedge hog. I never got to see the end result, because I was too busy chewing on the hog's fine bones under the table.
Come back again next week for more 'Country Style Cooking with your loyal companion 'Lao - flea nest - Huang' :)
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