Not uncommon to see motorbikes with 5 cases of beer on the back, or huge bags with plastic, paper or any other recyclable waste. It can be sold for a few cents per kilo.

I went to an area in Shanghai called M50. There used to be textile mills, but they are now converted into exhibition halls and artists live and work there. All around are sky scrapers, and the place is quite unusual. Above are some installations of moving LEDs on canvas.

Last weekend the Olympic torch relay hit Shanghai and Suzhou. There were crowds of people everywhere, and the streets, that have been cleaned and repainted for weeks, were packed with cheering people. There was going to be a large ceremony, but because of the Sichuan earthquake, this was canceled. There was one minute of silence before the even started. Some famous people took part in the relay: the vice president of AMD Asia, a retired sportswoman (87) and some other famous government officials and sports people. With all the craziness (the traffic was jammed all morning), the actual event only took two hours...
Chinglish. "Qing wu pai she [please do not take a picture of this]. I only translated the characters when I got home, after having taken the picture! Haha.

BBQ skewers by the truck load. This place is just outside the university campus. In the back are boxes full of meat and vegetables, and people order by the dozen. It's a nice place to hang out in the hot summer nights here.

Parks are hard to find in the big cities in China. Fortunately Suzhou has many. This poor old man was left in charge of his grand son, while the parents were out flying a kite (I think :)

Suzhou has three districts: Down town, SIP (Suzhou Industrial Park), where I live; a large business park that is built 12 years ago in cooperation with Singapore, and SND (Suzhou New District), where I work as English teacher. This place is 20 years old and has factories and large business service centers. It takes more than one hour to go from one district to the other. A new metro is being built now, from East to West, but it won't be finished until next year. because of this, the traffic is always jammed.
Recently, many Chinese people have begun to boycott Carrefour, because they support the Dalai Lama (they say). Many Chinese believe that the D L was behind the protests in Tibet of recently.
Brand names are usually translated by pronunciation. Jia Le Fou literally means happy house. Coca Cola (Ke kou ke le) means: makes your mouth happy. And so on.
Brand names are usually translated by pronunciation. Jia Le Fou literally means happy house. Coca Cola (Ke kou ke le) means: makes your mouth happy. And so on.